Drive more sales with a website and great content

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Generating leads through a well-built website

Over the years whilst speaking to many of our clients and friends, we discovered some of them, particularly the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) do not have a website for their business. Other businesses may have a website, but oftentimes we feel that they don’t have good content about the company nor the products/services they are offering.

Why should you have a website?

Your website is an online hub where customers can learn more about your Brand and engage with you. The objectives of the website are to effectively communicate your Brand message, sell your products/services, attract more visitors, build customer advocacy, generate more business leads, increase Brand loyalty, promote more sales and ultimately increase your profits.

If having a website is so important, why do some businesses still not have one?

We have compiled 7 common misconceptions and difficulties:

A banner to display the seven misconceptions of creating a website

Limitation #1 – “Everyone knows about my business”

Don’t limit yourself to just current customers, you’re likely to miss out on new customers seeking you out. Let buyers from around the world find and understand your business, your website will take your Brand across the boundaries because the internet makes nearly every company global.

Limitation #2 – “Customers will come to me automatically”

Complacency is a silent killer. Technology is changing the way consumers behave. Customers will no longer come to you because they have too many choices to choose from. If your presence is not felt, they simply forget about you and go to your competitors.

Limitation #3 – “We can just talk to our customers verbally”

You may not be able to cover all you have to say due to time and opportunity constraints, neither are you able to talk to every customer at the same time. Be cost-effective and productive, let your customers have a reference point to browse; a platform to showcase your products and services as and when they feel like it.

Limitation #4 – “I don’t have the time”

Engage a professional branding agency like us to help you, from branding to design and content, we help your Brand set apart from your competitors.

Limitation #5 – “My products can’t be sold online”

You may not be selling online directly but you will need to build online collaterals such as profile kit and brochures. How many times do customers ask for your website details, brochures or information about your products and services? A lot of times customers’ decision-making process is influenced by their online research and virtual web experience.

Limitation #6 – “My company is too small”

Even though your business is small at the moment, it will continue to grow and expand by having a website and optimising your online presence. You should not limit your customer base to your physical store, by creating a digital storefront you are allowing a much wider audience to access your products and services.

Limitation #7 – “I can’t write well”

It may seem very difficult to write about your company profile or products and services. Here’s a tip, use simple words to describe. Remove technical jargon unless it is absolutely necessary to explain something. Why? Because readability is far more important than showing off your knowledge. Your readers are looking to understand how your company, services, or product, solves their problem. Writing concise and clear content allows your customers to connect and be engaged.

Most small businesses outsource their website and content creation to content agencies like us. This saves them time and resources from the hassle of hiring a new team that will create and manage your site.

If you’re looking to hire a content management agency to build your website, here are 5 factors to help you understand and choose the right one

a banner displaying the text choosing the right creative agency
• Gauging Quality
You can usually predict the quality of an agency’s services by the appearance of their website. If the site looks tidy and you found it surprisingly pleasing and easy to navigate, chances are, a lot of work went behind creating that experience.

• Consistency
Your brand collateral should always have consistency across any platform that displays your brand. There are some exceptions that allow your brand to be displayed differently. However, they must be a predetermined design from your corporate identity guidebook.

• Timeline
A well-structured agency will handle your project with a timeline of deliverables that ultimately finish under a proposed deadline. If there are delays to be expected, the agency should inform you beforehand.

• Drive Traffic
Even with an aesthetic website that “wows” you and visitors, the website needs to be able to drive traffic to your website through content optimisation. The most visible of all is having a blog on the site that produces articles that educate its customers. The search engines need to have new content from your site regularly in order to help you get noticed by potential leads. We will dive deeper into blogs and search engines in another post.

• Advice
A good agency will always advise and teach you on how to make your company and brand make an impact. They must be transparent by explaining how exactly they are going to help you.

Closing Thoughts

The importance of a good website not only promotes credibility and visibility but also grow your business and revenue exponentially. Having a website allows your potential customers to research and browse your products online as most customers will undertake online research before making a decision to purchase products and services. If you don’t have a website or other online presence you may be missing out on many potential customers.

Choosing the right agency to help you build one is equally important and should be chosen wisely. Meet them to discuss your problems and see if they are genuinely trying to help businesses like yours.

As always, we are happy to hear from you.

Talk to you soon!


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Building a website that gets conversions
How to build website engagement with your customers

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