Wesmech Engineering
Brand Audit, Brand Purpose, Brand Story, Brand Positioning
Brand Identity, Brand Applications, Profile Kit
Solidifying a brand, inside and out
Since establishment in 2001, Wesmech Engineering is a cut above the rest by remaining progressive and systematic. To differentiate themselves, they invest in their other assets to offer incomparably stellar products and top-notch services. By remaining open-minded, they continuously enhance their internal systems to stay effective and productive.

To rise to the challange
We came up with an internal and external brand system to help Wesmech Engineering carry out their branding impeccably. We started with the founder’s mission and vision, in which his company’s values are firmly embedded. Wishing to be a world-class engineering firm improving lives for communities, they always strive for excellence, professionalism, ethical practices and precision. To help them train their team to embody these values, we devised an elaborate brand system outlining their Personality Attributes and Guidelines.