

Transport (Bike Sharing), Technology


Brand Audit, Brand Purpose, Brand Story, Brand Positioning


Brand Identity, Brand Applications


Community Building, Social Media Marketing

Taking people on the ride of their lives.

Anywheel is more than just a shared mobility service; they are a vehicle to a seamless social ecosystem where riders can discover more options in life, whether that is a new route to work, a place to explore or a good business to support. Together, they form a community that cares about sustainability, bolsters the local economy and leads healthier lifestyles. They approached Etereo for help to articulate everything it is that they want to do and form a brand strategy from there. We also managed their social media accounts to engage with their community, giving them real-time updates on the latest perks and benefits from Anywheel and showing how they are contributing to environmentalism and other worthy causes. 


Connecting you to the world around you, with every ride.

In our increasingly digitised reality, human beings lead busy, isolated lives and prioritise convenience over spending meaningful time with each other. Besides enjoying bike rides and caring about the planet, the founder of Anywheel wants to revive the connection we once had to nature, people, and ourselves. Through a seamless journey, the result of technological capabilities and an intuitive user experience, these state-of-art bikes connect the rider to their destination, to their surroundings, and to their community, whether they are friends, fellow riders or local businesses that partner with Anywheel. The messages, designs and brand assets we crafted for them communicate that a ride with Anywheel is not just an experience – it is an opportunity: for adventure, for growth, for collaboration, for bonding, and much more.
In addition to fundamental designs like their logo and corporate colours, we created motifs and stickers as on-brand design elements to decorate their packaging, social media content and other assets. The road motif signifies the literal and social connection given by a bike path, while the stickers share the goals, benefits and key messages of Anywheel in fun, bold statements that will be sure to appeal to the younger crowd. Anyway, who doesn’t 
love stickers?

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